The History of Janesville Mobilizing 4 Change
In 1999, with a committee of student services staff, the School District of Janesville conducted a series of focus group interviews with community agencies, parents, staff, students, and law enforcement. The study committee worked with the community to address the needs of youth substance abuse and prevention.
From this study, AODA activities were implemented, including: Recovery High School, drug-free opportunities, new research-based school curricula, training for staff and parents, support groups, student assistance programs and many more.
In 2012 we became Janesville Mobilizing for Change, a community coalition with a vision of creating a safer, healthier community.
In order to secure federal funding the City of Janesville agreed to act as fiscal agent for JM4C, and JM4C became a Division of the City under the oversight of the Hedberg Public Library Director. Because of this partnership we have secured numerous federal grants, are contracted by Rock County Human Services and have strengthened our community partnerships.
In 2016, JM4C grew again and incorporated into a non-profit. While still under the direction of the City and Hedberg Public Library, we are now able to accept local donations and gifts and apply for private grants.

Annual Reports
We invite you to take a look at our Annual Report which highlights the meaningful work that staff, board members, coalition volunteers, and community partners have been a part of over the past year.
View our FY 2020-21 Annual ReportLocal problems require local solutions
Janesville Mobilizing 4 Change is a state-certified prevention agency with a focus on reducing substance use and promoting mental wellness. We have a long and rich history in serving the youth of Janesville, WI and surrounding areas.
Together we create a safer, healthier community.
In cooperation with our community coalition and partners, we raise awareness, take action, and advocate for change.